Go Away Mr. Tumor 2015

Go Away Mr. Tumor


Release Date

Hong Kong

Hong Kong

Original Title

Hong Kong Title
Go Away Mr. Tumor

Plot Synopsis

Xiong Dun, a 29-year-old not-so-young female youth, owns no house, no car, no medical insurance. She only has a dispensable boyfriend and three indispensable best friends - Aimi, Old Zheng and Xia (male). She is a girl with a heart bigger than buckle. Whenever Xiong Dun sees a handsome man, she always embarrasses herself. She can stride glamorously one moment, and roll down the stairs the next moment; but she will always stand up and become glamorous again afterwards. She is a optimistic girl with bad luck. The day before her 29th birthday, she accidentally messes her boyfriend's cousin's wedding up, and loses her love without knowing why. On the same day, she is caught by complaining about her boss, hence loses her job without planning. But the bad luck does not cease, when she makes a wish on her birthday party, Xiong Dun falls into a cake unconsciously. From that moment, Xiong Dun starts a painful anticancer journey full of joy and embarrassing moments...

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